Yoga Certification
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Center Your Heart
This ancient path of Yoga encompasses holistic lifestyle practices to cultivate ease and compassion for ourself and one another.
Since 1983, Yoga Now supports our community with presence and connection through Himalayan Hatha Yoga.
A deep bow of gratitude to all of our heart centered graduates who have become beacons of light in our world by first turning inward.
Yoga Now’s 38th Annual
Yoga Certification Program
The Yoga Now Certification Program is a foundational and holistic study of the ancient practice of Yoga in the Himalayan Tradition, combined with practical and technical skill development as a yoga practitioner in our modern times.
Much of this training involves learning and discussion coupled with personal participation and application of the concepts and skills we integrate and build together.
While practicing postures is one component of the training, it is not the entire focus, as Yoga is so much more than postures. We dive deep into the ancient traditions of Yoga as an art of living and being.
Most of our students enroll for personal reasons, and some choose to study with us to see if they want to become a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 200) through an accreditation organization. This is an option for graduates to consider, though not mandatory.
Our students range in age from 18 to 88 with varied backgrounds of all abilities and wide range of experiences.
Graduates align their personal yoga practice to support their relationships, families, and communities: sharing Yoga in homes, studios, centers, schools, organizations, businesses, hospitals, workplaces, and as a powerful modality for integrative medicine and therapy.
Many students join this program during times of transition, and the learning serves as a touch tree of peace. Whether seeking support through a change, curious to deepen personal practice, or sharing yoga in community, this program is designed with healing in mind.
Everything needed to succeed in this program is already within.
Yoga Now provides the space, teachings, a certification notebook with review questions, along with awesome suggested reading.We encourage self-inquiry, along with ancient wisdom study, applied to our personalized path of life, and honor that everyone’s experience within the certification program is unique, as our relationship with you and your healing journey is unique.
We are here to support you.
You belong here.
This 200 Hour Yoga Certification Program occurs over 10 weekends of training, allowing space for the teachings to integrate into daily life naturally.
We meet Friday eve 6-9pm, Saturday and Sunday 9:30am-5pm.
We first ground our roots into the ancient wisdom of Yoga. Learn Sankhya philosophy, the history of multiple lineages of yoga, the four paths of Yoga: Bhakti, Jñana, Karma and Raja Yoga, and begin diving into the practice of relaxation to infuse life with humanity, compassion, and love.
According to the ancient texts of Yoga, Asana (yoga postures) are practiced with steadiness and ease. Experience effortlessness in Yoga postures and in life. Learn movement theory based in somatics and study Asana from the Beginner’s Yoga Series by Swami Rama.
Learn aligned practices in teaching. Let your inner teacher blossom and shine as you learn to share Asana and relaxation with yoga students.
Practice teaching Yoga in a community setting among your peers. Prepare an Asana class and receive feedback from Susi Amendola and her teachers. This is an opportunity to hone and polish skills as a Yoga teacher and mentor.
Note: Asana Practicum is only Sat/Sun 12-5pm
In this dreamy weekend, we spend time resting, breathing, in periods of contemplative silence. Practice three part breathing, deep, wide, long breathing, and other foundational Pranayama practices to cultivate peace of mind. Learn to rest with yourself, exactly as you are, without any push and pull of wanting things to be different.
Studying the human body provides invaluable insight with the intention and impact of Yoga. Learn the structures and functions of the many systems of the body and how Yoga supports them.
Ayurveda, the world’s first system of medical well being, teaches us to connect with Nature, support balance, and promote health. Learn the foundations of Ayurveda to shift into personalized well being.
According to the ancient texts of Yoga, the human body is swirling with subtle energies that create our life. From grounding rooted in Muladhara chakra, to the ethereal ecstasy of Svadhistahana chakra, this weekend is an immersion into the energetic system of love, beauty, and joy.
The Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Sutras provide beautiful wisdom for our modern lives. Learn how and gain inspiration from the Sutras and Gita supporting us in philosophical inquiry about the purpose and meaning of our life.
Bring together the learning and experience of the entire program. Review, redirect, and realign with your vision as a torch bearer in the Yoga tradition. We also discuss ethics, cleansing techniques, private sessions, and business equity.
We bow to all teachers – past, present, and future – as well as a deep bow to the greatest teacher of all, the one that resides within you. -
Paid in Full: $3000 Tuition + $325 for Enrollment
Payment Plan: $333 per month for 10 months + $325 for Enrollment
Enrollment is required for registration, and first payment is due before the start of the program. Payments accepted via Venmo or check.
The ancient path of Yoga's students and teachers in these modern times needs conscious rebalancing to reflect our collective's cultural beautiful diversity.
We offer scholarships for humans of the global majority interested in completing our certification program to uplift and amplify Black, Indian, Asian and Indigenous students and teachers in our community.
Apply for our Yoga Certification Scholarship here.
Students of our program will graduate with the Yoga Certificate of Completion by attending all training and completing the test.
Graduates may choose to become a Registered Yoga Teacher ( RYT200 ) with an accreditation organization.Yoga Now’s Certification Program is in accordance with Yoga Alliance 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training regulations, and graduates are eligible to register as Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teachers ( RYT 200 ).
Those interested in becoming a Registered Yoga Teacher must complete the following in addition to attending all training hours and completing the exam:
• Finish all homework assignments
• Log and attend 50 classes at Yoga Now: 25/50 classes with Susi
• Meet individually with Susi Amendola to discuss the written exam, experience in the program, and enjoy reflections about Yoga
We hope to ensure this step on your path is aligned with your yoga certification journey.
Connect with us: 402.915.2334 🌣 yoganowomaha@gmail.com
Led by Omaha’s original yoga teacher
Susi Amendola
Yoga Now Founder and Director, Susi, leads the annual certification program. With over 40 years of studying and teaching, she has learned with some of the most influential teachers of our time. She also works as the Director of Stress Management for Ornish Lifestyle Medicine, reversing heart disease through a Yoga lifestyle and recently published her first book, The Centered Heart.
With her expertise in the western medical world and the lineage of Himalayan Hatha Yoga, Susi’s teachings are unlike anything else in the region. Learn with our humble leader, who embodies the practice of yoga in all aspects of her life.
Alongside heart selected staff, enjoy studying the profound teachings of Yoga within a longstanding community of loving practitioners and healers at Yoga Now.