Tania is a certified Practitioner through the Jikiden Reiki Kenkyukai (Jikiden Reiki Institute) in Kyoto, Japan. Her lineage comes through teachers who trained directly with Chiyoko and Tadao Yamaguchi, as taught by Chujiro Hayashi Sensei. Hayashi taught Hawayo Takata, an American woman of Japanese descent who first brought Reiki to the West.
Reiki originiated in Japan and is an energy healing art that invites happiness and total body well-being. It was originally called Shin Shin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho or “Usui Reiki therapy for improving body and mind.” A flow of Reiki is channeled from the universal supply of life-force to the practitioner’s hands and into the body and energetic fields of the one receiving. This transmission of energy begins to transform the natural healing state of those who receive it.
Everyone can benefit from Reiki therapies whether to enhance the ability to relax and detoxify or to reduce pain and assist with making a shift in daily life habits and processes. Clients are fully clothed and covered when on the Reiki table to allow the body comfort and temperature stabilization. The body becomes aligned with deep states of alpha, theta, and sometimes delta frequencies when experiencing Reiki. It is in this space that the body can be restored to its natural, untouched state of being. Many realize and experience incredible results with this method of healing integration.